Schuette Ignores Decrim in Ferndale, Jackson and Lansing

Michigan Medical Marijuana Criminal Defense


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The picture is becoming more and more clear when it comes to how americans feel about marijuana. A recent Gallup poll showed 58% of Americans favor the outright legalization of Marijuana. Americans are tired of spending tax dollars on fighting a losing war, especially when revenue could be generated with legalization.

In the poll, 65% of Democrats, 62% of Independents, and 35% of Republicans support legalization.

Related: Jury Nullification

The poll comes as the cities of Lansing, Jackson and Ferndale all passed measures this month to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Each city showed at least 60% in favor of decriminalization.

In an act of defiance, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette took the opportunity to reiterate that he will continue to ignore the will of the people. Schuette, who ran on a campaign of States’ Rights, said that any city-passed marijuana legalization/decriminalization initiative would be ignored and that he would enforce federal law, which takes precedence. Despite the US Attorney General Eric Holder stating that the Feds will not interfere with Washington and Colorado’s recent legalization measures, Michigan Attorney General Bill Scheutte, for some unknown reason, believes that it is in the taxpayers’ best interest to continue to spend time, energy and resources to arrest and prosecute individuals in possession of small amounts of marijuana.

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