Take a look inside the MSP Forensic Science Lab

MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – The Michigan State Police Forensic Science Lab located at the 8th District Headquarters in Marquette is the only forensic science lab in the Upper Peninsula.

The 10-person lab is made up of fingerprint examiners, controlled substance analysts, biologists and technicians.

Lab Director Lieutenant Jason Welch said the lab has a variety of ways to help in investigations.

“We provide latent print analysis, biology analysis, the B.F.I. portion which is body fluid identification, and controlled substance testing,” Welch said. “In addition to the services we provide in the laboratory, we also, out in the field, provide crime scene response.”

Welch said, statewide, forensic labs get around 75,000 evidence submissions a year. He explained every form of forensic science compares known to unknown.

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Take a look inside the MSP Forensic Science Lab

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