Taylor man steers wheelchair to White House to advocate for medical marijuana users

By Michael Komorn

In dramatic fashion, 52-year-old Curtis Kile, who is afflicted with cerebral palsy is rolling his wheelchair to the White House to advocate for medical marijuana users.

Kile departed his Taylor home June 14 and inched his way down sidewalks, through traffic, across mountains and through cities and small towns from Michigan to Washington.

He intends to tell President Obama, face-to-face, that marijuana should be legalized in the United States. He believes sick people should have safer and cheaper access to the drug that he believes has been critical to his health.

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“The alcohol industry doesn’t want it legal, and the pharmaceutical and the tobacco companies don’t want that, because it’s going to bite into their profits.

“It’s the money that’s stopping it, and that’s wrong,” he said.

Whether Kile is ever granted an audience with the President or not, remains to be seen, but there is strong symbolism in his will.

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“His story has inspired people all across the country,” said Rick Thompson, Flint-based editor of the Compassion Chronicles, an online news source for the cannabis community in Michigan. Thompson wrote about Kile last week.

“I don’t know that he’ll get to speak to the president, but there’s no denying his passion,” added Southfield attorney Michael Komorn, host of Planet Green Trees, a weekly Internet interview show about marijuana.

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The man on a mission has long depended on marijuana to control the severe muscle spasms and other symptoms his condition. His sole desire is for sick Americans to have low-cost, legal access to the medicine they need.

Contact Michigan Medical Marijuana Attorney Michael Komorn at 800-656-3557 for a free case evaluation, today.

Read more: http://www.freep.com/article/20130701/NEWS02/307010012/Taylor-man-in-wheelchair-rolls-to-Washington-on-marijuana-crusade

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