The Feds Wastes at Least $247 Billion of your Money Each Year

Blog, Your Tax Dollars At Work


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Your Tax Dollars at Work

The U.S. government wastes billions of taxpayer dollars every year.

Nothing New

Improper payments, which refers to erroneous government disbursements, pose a significant financial burden on the United States.

$247 billion in 2022, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The U.S. government has lost almost $2.4 trillion by GAO estimates in simple payment errors over the last 20 years.

“The government has just lost, as if you dropped it on the sidewalk, trillions and trillions of dollars over the last few decades,” said Richard Stern, a budget and spending expert from the Heritage Foundation. “That is money that was stolen from hardworking Americans to just simply get wasted.”

Oh…but that’s not all.

Oversight reports from nonprofits and lawmakers like Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., claim billions more are being wasted every year — from spending $1.7 billion maintaining empty government buildings to accidentally investing $28 million on forest camouflage uniforms to be used in the deserts of Afghanistan.

Hey you… The guy that ordered the wrong uniforms from China. You’re fired and give back your commission!

Dr. Rand Paul Releases 2023 ‘Festivus’ Report on Government Waste

Duplicated programs are another cause for concern.

“The Government Accountability Office every year issues a report on duplicative and overlapping programs and every year they find more and more of these programs,” according to Tom Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste.

The problems mainly stem from the way our government tries to solve an issue, according to critics.

“In the federal government, everything is ‘Go spend more money’ and if that doesn’t work, it’s ‘Go spend more money.’”

Have your rights been violated?
Have your driving priviledges been revoked?
Has your professional license been suspended?
Second Amendment rights taken away?
Have you been charged with a crime?

Call our office to see if we can help
Komorn Law  248-357-2550

Seems like thay aren’t accountable for anything. Just a title like the rest.

DUI for Alcohol or Marijuana or Prescription Drugs - Fight it

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