Is the Michigan State Police really concerned about your Driver License and Motor Vehicle Information privacy?
Here’s what they say on their website
The Michigan State Police (MSP) is committed to protecting the privacy of your potentially personally identifiable data (PPID) in a strong and meaningful manner. Our privacy policy is designed to inform both members of the public and our employees about the PPID information we collect, how we use it, how we maintain it in our systems, under what circumstances you may access or correct your own information, and what we may disclose to others.
MSP may access and use “personal information” or “highly restricted personal information” from a State department of motor vehicles for reasons permitted by 18 USC 2721 or the Michigan Vehicle Code, Act 300 of 1949. The Michigan Vehicle Code grants MSP access to this information during the performance of law enforcement functions.
MSP may also access and use your driver photograph and electronic signature per the Michigan Vehicle Code (MCL 25.307), the State Personal Identification Card Act (Act 222 of 1972), and the Enhanced Driver License and Enhanced Official State Personal Identification Card Act (Act 23 of 2008) for a law enforcement purpose authorized by law, for compliance with the Sex Offenders Registration Act (Act 295 of 1994), or for issuing a license under the Firearms Act (MCL 28.425c).
MSP collects vehicle license plate number and location information from select public roadways using License Plate Recognition technology for the purpose of locating vehicles related to open investigations, vehicles entered into the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN), or vehicles entered into the FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system. This information is retained, used, and shared in accordance with departmental policy.
Here’s what we say
Don’t talk to the police before, during or after your Miranda rights have been read without a lawyer present. If you do limit your information because what you say locks you into what you said. Just because you are not under arrest or being detained does not mean what you say will not be used against you.
Here is some information to review.
Don’t worry, a copy of your DNA has not been sent off to the Government Mountain Storage Facility for permanant storage out of view, or has it?
Legal Counsel and Your Rights
When facing legal challenges, particularly in criminal cases, it is advisable to seek legal counsel immediately.
An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.
Since 1993 our expert legal defense in navigating criminal law matters and protecting your constitutional rights are what we eat for breakfast everyday.
Contact Komorn Law PLLC if you’re ready to fight and win.
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