The search being challenged was triggered by the odor of cannabis


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The case People of Michigan v. Freddie Wilkins III (No. 367209) revolves around a legal challenge regarding the search of a vehicle without a warrant.

Police conducted a warrantless search under the “automobile exception.”

The case People of Michigan v. Freddie Wilkins III (No. 367209) revolves around a legal challenge regarding the search of a vehicle without a warrant.

Wilkins appealed a conviction stemming from the discovery of unregistered firearms in his car after police conducted a warrantless search under the “automobile exception.”

This legal principle allows law enforcement to search a vehicle without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe it contains evidence of a crime.

In the Wilkins’ case, the search was triggered by the odor of marijuana, which raised questions under Michigan’s marijuana laws.

While the odor of marijuana previously constituted probable cause, recent changes under Michigan’s recreational marijuana law, the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA), complicate this.

The court debated whether the smell of marijuana alone still justifies a search, especially since possession of small amounts is now legal for adults.

The appellate court highlighted that for the search to be lawful, additional suspicious factors would need to accompany the marijuana smell to support probable cause for finding contraband.

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The case draws comparisons to similar rulings like People v. Armstrong, where Michigan courts have reconsidered the application of the automobile exception in light of the state’s evolving marijuana laws.

The central question in both instances revolves around whether the smell of cannabis, in conjunction with additional elements such as the driver’s deceptive behavior, provides sufficient grounds for conducting a search without a warrant.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The appeal in People of Michigan v. Freddie Wilkins III (No. 367209) was denied because the Michigan Court of Appeals found that there was no immediate need for further appellate review.

Wilkins had argued that the search of his vehicle was unconstitutional under the “automobile exception” because the smell of marijuana alone, without additional suspicious circumstances, did not provide probable cause to search the car.

However, the court determined that existing case law supported the legality of the search, particularly when other factors (such as the behavior of the suspect) combined with the odor of marijuana.

The appeal in People of Michigan v. Freddie Wilkins III (No. 367209) was denied because the Michigan Court of Appeals found that there was no immediate need for further appellate review.

Wilkins had argued that the search of his vehicle was unconstitutional under the “automobile exception” because the smell of marijuana alone, without additional suspicious circumstances, did not provide probable cause to search the car.

However, the court determined that existing case law supported the legality of the search, particularly when other factors (such as the behavior of the suspect) combined with the odor of marijuana.

Similar Cases

A number of legal cases have scrutinized the legitimacy of performing warrantless vehicle searches based on the scent of marijuana, especially in light of the evolving status of marijuana laws:

People v. Armstrong (2023): In this instance, the courts in Michigan reassessed the applicability of the automobile exception, taking into consideration the provisions outlined in the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA).

The court ruled that while the smell of marijuana could still contribute to probable cause, it must be accompanied by other suspicious factors to justify a search. This case closely mirrors Wilkins, where the search was based on marijuana odor but also raised questions about unregistered firearms found during the search​.

People v. Kazmierczak (2000): Previously, Michigan courts held that the smell of marijuana alone was sufficient to establish probable cause for a vehicle search.

However, this decision was later overruled in part due to changes in marijuana laws.

This case laid the groundwork for discussions like those in Wilkins, where courts must determine if the presence of marijuana (legal in small amounts) is enough to justify a search​.

People v. Moorman (2020): During a traffic stop, a police officer detected the scent of marijuana, and when the defendant denied possessing any, this denial, along with the odor, provided the officer with probable cause to conduct a search of the vehicle.

The court found that the defendant’s behavior, along with the odor, justified the search, similar to the arguments presented in Wilkins. The ruling was based on the idea that such behavior suggests illegal possession beyond the legal limits​

Note: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice. Anyone charged with a CSC offense should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.

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