Traveling by Air With CBD-Can You?

CBD has swiftly made its way into every aspect of daily life including air travel. Rules and regulations concerning traveling with CBD onto planes and into airports are unclear.

CBD is legal in some states and the TSA is a federally ran agency with airports subject to federal laws and marijuana is still considered federally illegal.

The TSA has the authority to ban or stop a traveler with edibles, dried flower or any forms of “marijuana” that contain a certain amount of THC.

According to the DEA and FDA, The CBD made from hemp is not considered to be the same as psychoactive marijuana. The agency suggests that if the THC content in the CBD oil is below 0.3 percent, no legal action will be taken place.

Some CBD oil is sold in medical dispensaries and is often THC concentrations can be detected easier and test at a higher level making the source of the CBD illegal under federal law.

It is said that according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when it comes to traveling with CBD oil, it must contain THC content below 0.3% to be cleared.

Even though the 2018 Farm Bill made Hemp legal on the Federal level, individual states can still elect to make the sale and possession of CBD illegal.

The Transport Security Administration (TSA) regulations are required to report any speculated violations of law if they encounter one. Read the TSA What can I Bring.

“Meaning an extract containing one or more cannabinoids that have been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis, other than the separated resin (whether crude or purified) obtained from the plants(58) Marihuana Extract–7350”-DEA.

Bottom Line – You can but you can’t…You are on your own and at the mercy of the location, the agency and the agents you encounter along your travels.

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