Using a computer to commit a crime – The latest add on charges

Act 53 of 1979

752.796 Use of computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network to commit crime.

Sec. 6.

    (1) A person shall not use a computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network to commit, attempt to commit, conspire to commit, or solicit another person to commit a crime.
    (2) This section does not prohibit a person from being charged with, convicted of, or punished for any other violation of law committed by that person while violating or attempting to violate this section, including the underlying offense.
    (3) This section applies regardless of whether the person is convicted of committing, attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or soliciting another person to commit the underlying offense.

 “Computer” means any connected, directly interoperable or interactive device, equipment, or facility that uses a computer program or other instructions to perform specific operations including logical, arithmetic, or memory functions with or on computer data or a computer program and that can store, retrieve, alter, or communicate the results of the operations to a person, computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network.

Phones, Texts, Emails, Message Apps, etc…

If they don’t get you on that that law how about this one you enacted.

MCL – Section 750.145d

Use You Right To Remain Silent

If you have been accused or charged with a crime.
Say nothing to anyone. Talk to us first.
Our firm is experienced in both State and Federal courts defending clients.


The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Document Type Description
Section 752.791 Section Meanings of words and phrases.
Section 752.792 Section Definitions; A to D.
Section 752.793 Section Definitions; P to S.
Section 752.794 Section Prohibited access to computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network.
Section 752.795 Section Prohibited conduct.
Section 752.795a Section Michigan children’s protection registry act; violation.
Section 752.796 Section Use of computer program, computer, computer system, or computer network to commit crime.
Section 752.796a Section Violation of MCL 752.795a; penalties; exception; defense; burden of proof; effective date of section.
Section 752.796b Section Money, income, and property subject to seizure and forfeiture.
Section 752.797 Section Penalties; prior convictions; presumption; reimbursement order; definition.
Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

Note: This article provides a general overview and does not substitute for legal advice. Anyone charged with a CSC offense should consult an attorney for specific legal guidance.


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