Video kept from family shows police force not drugs killed son


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police and paramedics inflicted “inhumane acts of violence”

A mother has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that, while her son was experiencing a seizure in his Tennessee apartment, police and paramedics inflicted “inhumane acts of violence” on the 23-year-old instead of providing the necessary medical treatment, subsequently attempting to conceal their use of deadly force.

The death of Austin Hunter Turner was among over 1,000 cases nationwide documented by an investigation conducted by The Associated Press, each involving instances where police officers employed physical force or weapons intended to stop individuals rather than take their lives.

Attorney Michael Komorn

Attorney Michael Komorn

State / Federal Legal Defense

With extensive experience in criminal legal defense since 1993 from pre-arrest, District, Circuit, Appeals, Supreme and the Federal court systems.

KOMORN LAW (248) 357-2550

The lawsuit, initiated in federal court this week, was prompted by the revelation of police body-camera footage shared with Turner’s parents by AP reporters, footage they were previously unaware existed. This video has led the family to question the official determination that their son died from a drug overdose.

The case underscored a key conclusion from the AP-led investigation revealing that a pervasive absence of accountability exists within the justice system following fatal police encounters that do not involve gunfire.

 Read more of the story here at the Associated Press (don’t believe everything you read there at the AP or anywhere anymore.)

Note: There are more good police than bad. The bad ones make the good ones look bad.

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An experienced attorney can provide guidance on how to navigate interactions with law enforcement while safeguarding your constitutional rights.

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