What’s Really Wrong With Forfeiture – The Bigger Issue

What’s Really Wrong With Forfeiture – The Bigger Issue


With all these articles and talk about forfeiture reform and blah, blah, blah.  The bigger issue has been overlooked.

Ok so they take some of your belongings they assume were purchased with some kind of illegal funds.  Like the leaf blower you got from your dads house after he passed. Like the TV that was given to you by your brother because he bought a new one and was going to throw it out anyway.  Like the children’s toys that were presents from relatives and friends.  Need I say more.

The system does not have to prove how the items were obtained.  It’s a cash grab.  They sell it back to you or auction it off.  I can’t imagine the items that are taken and in you know whose… garages and homes.

Ready for the worst of it…This part should really keep you up at night.

When they take your computer and other electronic storage products like back up hard drives and such.  They are taking personal and private information and selling it on ebay, craigslist, taking it home or whatever.

On most peoples computers they have business, banking, family history, irreplaceable photos, medical, taxes, personal thoughts, and other peoples information, etc…the list goes on and on.

Do you really believe they take the time to ensure that that information is deleted.  Assume not – just like the system assumed you were guilty.

That is your personal information and other people’s information (who have nothing to do with anything the system assumes) that is now in the hands of a stranger who’s going to do what they may with it.

The legal system doesn’t really have to prove anything.  Prosecutors just throw all the charges they can at you till you are too financially drained to defend yourself and you give up and you plead out. Then you have to continue fighting it out in civil court.

Bottom line is…It’s a money making scheme and you are screwed unless you can continue the fight. In the end – you still lose.

One could go on and on about this. But the picture is pretty clear with the short version.  Seems today’s politicians and police use forfeiture anyway they can so it benefits them and not society as a whole.

Something has to change………………



Michael Komorn-Criminal Defense Attorney

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