When Will Politicians Admit We Are Losing the War on Drugs?

When Will Politicians Admit We Are Losing the War on Drugs?

By Michael Komorn

Leonard Frieling, Speaker for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition,contends that our political parties’ still refuse to acknowledge the War on Drugs as a costly, wasteful enterprise. This ignorance has hurt both our Country’s citizens and its government. Frielling, like many Americans during election time, was looking for a candidate and a party that based its policy platform on concrete, realistic goals that we could achieve rather than spouting the same old tired rhetoric defending current policies that we know have failed, namely the war on drugs. The blow-back from this ongoing war is the high monetary cost (around 1 trillion dollars according to some estimates), the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, and incentivizing violence and organized crime in the drug world. Furthermore, those who have been incarcerated for drugs will forever have difficulty finding work once they are released, leading many ex-cons into recidivism, simply to pay their court fees. For more information on the high cost to our nation has incurred from the failed war on drugs, click the link below.


If you or someone you know is facing charges as a result of Medical Marijuana prescribed to you as a Medical Marijuana patient under the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, or would like to explore the benefit of Medical Marijuana as a natural healing solution, contact Komorn Law and ensure your rights are protected.

Michael Komorn is recognized as a leading expert on the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. He is the President of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association (MMMA), a nonprofit patient advocacy group with over 26,000 members, which advocates for medical marijuana patients, and caregiver rights. Michael is also the host of Planet Green Trees Radio, a marijuana reform based show, which is broadcast every Thursday night 8-10 pm EST. Follow Komorn on Twitter.

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