Firearms Laws of Michigan

This publication, Firearms Laws of Michigan, has been prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau pursuant to Act 381 of
2000, which requires the Bureau to “compile the firearms laws of this state, including laws that apply to carrying a concealed


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed.


We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to
secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.


§ 6 Bearing of arms.
Sec. 6. Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.
History: Const. 1963, Art. I, § 6, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.
Former constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. II, § 5.

If you have been charged with a firearm crime your best bet is to remain silent and call our office 800-656-2550. Komorn Law has defended many clients accused of an alleged possession, concealed weapons and many other weapon charges. When you hire The Komorn Law firm you are hiring the best.


Act 207 of 1969
AN ACT to permit residents to purchase rifles and shotguns in contiguous states and to provide for reciprocity.
History: 1969, Act 207, Imd. Eff. Aug. 6, 1969.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

3.111 Rifles and shotguns; purchases by residents.

Sec. 1. Residents of this state may purchase rifles and shotguns in any state if they conform to the federal gun control act of
1968, Public Law 90-618, and the regulations issued under that act, as administered by the secretary of the treasury, and with
the laws of the state in which the purchase is made.

History: 1969, Act 207, Imd. Eff. Aug. 6, 1969;Am. 2012, Act 378, Imd. Eff. Dec. 18, 2012.

3.112 Rifles and shotguns; purchases by nonresidents.

Sec. 2. Residents of another state may purchase rifles and shotguns in this state if they conform to the federal gun control
act of 1968, Public Law 90-618, and the regulations issued under that act, as administered by the secretary of the treasury, and
with the laws of the state in which the purchaser resides.

History: 1969, Act 207, Imd. Eff. Aug. 6, 1969;Am. 2012, Act 378, Imd. Eff. Dec. 18, 2012.

8.3t “Firearm” defined.

Sec. 3t. The word “firearm”, except as otherwise specifically defined in statute, includes any weapon which will, is designed
to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive.
History: Add. 1959, Act 189, Imd. Eff. July 22, 1959;—Am. 2015, Act 22, Eff. July 1, 2015.

Read the 249 page compiled April 2021 release here —> FIREARMS LAWS OF MICHIGAN

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