Meet Chief Justice Bridget M. Mc​Cormack

A message fro​m Chief Justice Bridget M. Mc​Cormack

Welcome to the Michigan Supreme Court.

My colleagues and I are privileged to serve the people of the state of Michigan.  Our role in Michigan’s system of government demands that we interpret the law​ dispassionately, ensure that justice is available to everyone, remain responsive to the needs of our communities, and resolve disputes efficiently.  We take these responsibilities seriously.  

To those ends, our work is guided by four fundamental principles.

INDEPENDENCE.  Unlike the executive and legislative branches, the judicial branch is nonpartisan.  This means that politics must not inform our work.  Our judicial decisions must be based instead on neutral application of the law.   ACCESSIBILITY.  Justice must be available to everyone, not just to those who can afford it.  We must work diligently to ensure that our courts are open to all.  This means we will continue to search for new ways to remove barriers to our judicial system.

ENGAGEMENT.  The judiciary must also be adaptive to the needs of those it serves, and attuned to the problems and concerns of the communities that most depend on our work.  This means that judges must be willing to engage with civic organizations and community leaders to ensure that we are responsive to the needs of those we serve.

EFFICIENCY.  The judiciary also must be careful stewards of public resources.  This means we must provide the best possible service to the individuals and businesses that appear before us.  We must not lose sight of the time and money at stake in any judicial proceeding.  We will continue to find ways to serve the public as efficiently as practicable. 

These fundamental principles inform the opinions and orders we issue in cases that come before us, the administrative rules that govern how Michigan courts operate, and our management of the state’s trial courts.

While we are proud of the work the Michigan Supreme Court does, we must always aim to do better.  Going forward, we will continue to look for ways to serve you better.  Michigan’s judiciary will do all we can to serve the people of our great state.


See Justice Bridget McCormack interview on Planet Green Trees TV


CHIEF JUSTICE BRIDGET McCORMACK – Michigan Supreme Court Judge How they come to decisions


See The Full Episode Here

Planet Green Trees TV


———————————- Some VIP guests you don’t want to miss. ———————————-

  • CHIEF JUSTICE BRIDGET McCORMACK – Michigan Supreme Court Judge
  • ANDREW BRISBO – Marijuana Regulatory Agency Topics

(In no particular order)

  • -Michael’s Rant -Blockchain Voting- Is it the New Future
  • -Delta 8 THC- how is it different from Delta 9?
  • -The US spends twice as much on Law Enforcement as it does on Welfare
  • -Recreational Cannabis Market faces tight supply, few Municipal opt in’s -Marijuana Regulatory Agency Implements New Topic-Based Administrative Rule Sets
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– You can find links and more info here

Full Show – You Tube Link –



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