MRA Rule 27

Rule 27. Security measures; required plan; video surveillance system.

(1) An applicant for a license to operate a proposed marihuana facility shall submit a security plan that demonstrates, at a minimum, the ability to meet the requirements of this rule.

(2) Licensees shall ensure that any person at the marihuana facility, except for employees of the licensee, are escorted at all times by the licensee or at least 1 employee of the licensee when in the limited-access areas at the marihuana facility.

(3) A licensee shall securely lock the marihuana facility, including all interior rooms, windows, and points of entry and exits with commercial-grade, nonresidential door locks.

(4) A licensee shall maintain an alarm system at the marihuana facility. Upon request, a licensee shall make available to the department all information related to the alarm system, monitoring, and alarm activity.

(5) A licensee shall have a video surveillance system that, at a minimum, consists of digital or network video recorders, cameras capable of meeting the recording requirements in this rule, video monitors, digital archiving devices, and a color printer capable of delivering still photos.

(6) The licensee shall ensure the video surveillance system does all the following:

(a) Records at a minimum the following areas:

(i) Any areas where marihuana products are weighed, packed, stored, loaded, and unloaded for transportation, prepared, or moved within the marihuana facility.

(ii) Limited-access areas and security rooms. Transfers between rooms must be recorded.

(iii) Areas storing a surveillance system storage device with at least 1 camera recording the access points to the secured surveillance recording area.

(iv) The entrances and exists to the building must be recorded from both indoor and outdoor vantage points. The areas of entrance and exit between marihuana facilities at the same location if applicable, including any transfers between marihuana facilities.

(v) Point of sale areas where marihuana products are sold and displayed for sale.

(b) Records at all times images effectively and efficiently of the area under surveillance with sufficient resolution.

(7) A licensee shall install each camera so that it is permanently mounted and in a fixed location. Each camera must be placed in a location that allows the camera to clearly record activity occurring within 20 feet of all points of entry and exit on the marihuana facility, and allows for the clear and certain identification of any person, including facial features, and activities, including sales or transfers, in all areas required to be recorded under these rules.

(8) A licensee shall have cameras that record continuously 24 hours per day and recorded images must clearly and accurately display the time and date.

(9) A licensee must secure the physical media or storage device on which surveillance recordings are stored in a manner to protect the recording from tampering or theft.

(10) A licensee shall keep surveillance recordings for a minimum of 14 days, except for in instances of investigation or inspection by the department, through its investigators, agents, auditors, or the state police, in which case the licensee shall retain the recordings until such time as the department notifies the licensee that the recordings may be destroyed.

(11) Surveillance recordings of the licensee are subject to inspection by the department, through its investigators, agents, auditors, or the state police, and must be kept in a manner that allows the department to view and obtain copies of the recordings at the marihuana facility immediately upon request. The licensee shall also send or otherwise provide copies of the recordings to the department upon request within the time specified by the department.

(12) A licensee shall maintain a video surveillance system equipped with a failure notification system that provides notification to the licensee of any interruption or failure of the video surveillance system or video surveillance system storage device.

(13) A licensee shall maintain a log of the recordings, which includes all of the following:

(a) The identities of the employee or employees responsible for monitoring the video surveillance system.

(b) The identity of the employee who removed the recording from the video surveillance system storage device and the time and date removed.

(c) The identity of the employee who destroyed any recording.

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